Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Egg-citing news!

Using the iPads (and the app Comic Life) we have been creating newspaper reports on the eggs that are currently sat in the front of our classroom.

We thought carefully about what headline to use, to answer who, what, when, where and why in our report and to think about adding a quote from someone.

Here's the first selection of reports.

More to follow...

By Ben

By Ellie L

By Annie

By Codie

By Isobel

By Joseph

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

First day back, and we've had a visitor!

The 5/4 Deers came back to school today after their Christmas holidays and were greeted by some mysterious eggs.

At the front of the classroom a nest had been built containing 3 large, white and black spotted eggs.

A trail of large footprints led away from the nest towards the door.

The class spent the morning investigating the scene, nest and measuring the footprints.

What animal has laid these large eggs?