Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Deer go exploring in High Lodge!

On Friday we had our class trip to High Lodge in Thetford Forest. 
We were able to:

  • Explore the equipment, including the zip wires, giant swings and climbing apparatus.
  • Use the slides on the pyramid tower.
  • Experiment with different music instruments in the 'follow that sound' trail.

Each area of High Lodge needed us to use team work, co-operation, strength and fitness.

Take a look at the photos from our super trip below!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Book week in maths

This week, for book week, we have begun by looking at the traditional tale of three little pigs and Roald Dahl's revolting rhyme adaptation.

In groups we have to decide how we would walk together, with only a specific amount of equipment and no instructions, to make one of the three pigs' houses.

Check out our attempts at a house made out of bricks (cubes), twigs (match sticks) and straw (paper).

(All houses withstood our blowing tests!)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Nest building and pond dipping!

We spent this afternoon building nests in our quiet area and pond dipping in our school pond.

We used materials from the floor to build our nests. These included twigs, branches, leaves and sticky weed to make our nest, we tested them using pebbles, and finally put them in a tree for a bird to use!

We are very lucky to have a pond at Roydon School and we have been busy observing pond life. We found water boatmen, newts, tadpoles, woodlice, centipedes and worms. We used nets, view finders, magnifying glasses, trays and spoons to study the creatures we found. Each creature was looked at very carefully and we made sure we returned them all to their habitat. 

Please take a look at our photos!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Perimeter maths investigation

During maths this week we have been learning about perimeter, irregular polygons, regular polygons and quadrilaterals.

In groups we were investigating and creating different shapes with a specific perimeter, on the playground.

Please check out some of our photos below.